PSYC 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intersex, Physical Attractiveness, Masculinity

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Sex refers to the classification of females and males based on biological factors. Gender refers to social expectations of roles and behaviors for females and males. The similarities approach (beta bias) argues that women and men are basically alike in their behaviors and that any differences are a product of socialization. The differences approach (alpha bias) emphasizes that women and men are different and that these differences are biologically based. Liberal, cultural, socialist, radical, and women of color feminism all posit that women are disadvantaged relative to men. They differ in their assumptions about the sources of this inequality. For many years, women attained few leadership positions and awards in the apa, but gains have been made in recent years. Women"s contributions to psychology have often been overlooked or ignored, but that situation is improving. In the early years of psychology, women were viewed as inferior to men and their experiences were rarely studied.