PHYS 208 Final: PHYS 208 TAMU comp Exam S2017 Final

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

You have 75 minutes to complete the exam. Formulae are provided on a separate colored sheet. You may not use any other formula sheet. You may use only a simple calculator: one without memory, or with a memory demonstrated to be cleared. When calculating numerical values, be sure to keep track of units. Be alert to the number of significant figures in the information given. Results must have the correct number of significant figures. If you need additional space to answer a problem, use the back of the sheet it is written on and ensure to note on the main page of the problem that you have continued your work overleaf. Without supporting work, the answer alone is worth nothing. Mark your answers clearly by drawing boxes around them. You may gain marks for a partially correct calculation if your work can be deciphered. Total (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (20 points) (100 points)