NUTR 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Vitamin, Esophagus

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12 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Electrolytes: partially dissolved salts; vital to life of all cells. Major minerals - present and needed in larger amounts in the body. Muscle contraction and nerve transmission (na/k pump) High salt consumption associated with high bp risks. Na + cl is worse than just na. Dash diet - dietary approaches to stop hypertension. Red meat, butter and other high fat foods. Part of hcl in stomach - critical for protection from bacteria/killing outside things; break down protein. Ca bank for the other 1% of ca -> for rest of body. Ca and other minerals stick to it. Estrogen - important in retaining ca in bones of women. Balance - body will not let that 1% go out of balance!! Deposited into bones -> build bone mass. Toxicity -> ca rigor - muscles contract and don"t relax. Too low -> ca tetany - uncontrolled muscle contraction. > dramatic shift of bone loss (estrogen loss)