HIST 226 Study Guide - Final Guide: National Grange Of The Order Of Patrons Of Husbandry, Juneteenth, Charles George Gordon

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6 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Exam #3 will cover lectures and texas: crossroads of north america, the captured (prologue- chapter 10), and many faces of texas readings from oct 10-oct 31. Below is a list of questions to help guide your studying. The format of the exam will consist of 60 multiple choice and true/false questions or statements. Some will focus on comparing/contrasting two groups or people; defining an event, person, or term; explaining the significance/legacy of a person or event; explaining causes; or explaining the success or failures of certain people or events. You will have the entire class period (75 minutes) to complete the exam. Scantron form 882-e (green color) to the exam. If you forget a scantron, i will ask you to go buy one at poor yorick"s or other location on campus, so please don"t forget it! British hope to gain: the mexican and texan governments finally formed a peace try by 1843.