SOC 305- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Sociology: we are all participating in the same structures, but we do so differently. Analyze the history of drugs in the usa and the history of our people and the various opportunities they have where the live, what they can and cannot do. And that it is too much to think about terrible things: 3 questions to consider, 1. Social structure: how social relationships are organized. Individuals are born sexed but not gendered and they have to be taught to be masculine or feminine: children learn to walk, talk, and gesture the way their social group says girls and boys should. If the differences between women and men begin to blur, society"s. Sameness taboo goes into action: since gender differences are socially constructed, all men and all women can enact the behavior of the other, because they know the other"s social script. Social institution: established and enduring patterns of social relationships.