PSY 393 Midterm: PSY 393 Exam 2 Study Guide (SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY)

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F r e u d: freudian structure of personality a. Id : primitive and unconscious source of biological drives i. ii. iii. iv. Functions according to the pleasure principle , motivation to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Contains libido , the id"s source of psychic energy (derived from sexuality) Functions according to the primary process , unconscious mental functioning in which the id predominates; characterized by illogical, symbolic thought: demands immediate gratification. Cannot wait or plan: ego : rational and coping part of personality, most conscious and secure structure ii. iii. Operates according to reality principle , requires appropriate contact with the external world: secondary process , conscious mental functioning in which the ego predominates; characterized by logical thought iv. Can delay gratification and plan: superego : rules and ideals of society that are internalized by the individual i. ii. iii. Generates guilt if we act contrary to our rules.