PSY 313 Midterm: Exam 1 study guide

177 views4 pages
5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Method of tenacity- hold something to be true because it has been around for a while. Good research ideas are testable, logical and refutable. Public- write papers, attend conferences, distribute to popular media. Objective, not subjective- recognize and avoid bias with statistics, replication, and collaboration. Theory- an idea about how the world works based on empirical data. Hypothesis- specific idea about the relation between constructs that is derived from the theory. Operational definition- specifies how each construct will be measured. Ex- measure heart rate in relation to stress. Not concerned with relationships between variables, but a description of the variables themselves. Experimental research- establishes a cause and effect relationship between two or more variables. Observational study- watching and recording data about behavior. List everything that qualifies as a member of ea ch category, need clear operational definitions. Frequency method- count number of times you observe behavior in a fixed amount of time.