[NSD 225] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 203 pages long Study Guide!

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The first ingredient is the most by weight. Labels can be (and are) misleading (cid:498)can help(cid:499) (cid:498)may help(cid:499) (cid:498)no sugar added(cid:499) (cid:498)no salt added(cid:499) Food and drug administration: proposing new food labels (cid:498)jelly bean rule(cid:499): technically a jelly bean would count as healthy. Revision of (cid:498)facts(cid:499) label and (cid:498)serving size(cid:499) requirements. Serving size requirements must be based on the amount of food: 16% of americans eat their total calories from added sugars customarily consumed (whatever that number will be) Supplements it is unsafe to get it removed. Act): no one is responsible for supplemental safety. Fda problem: not enough inspectors too many supplements (and. Vitamins, minerals, herbal preparations, amino acids, enzymes, concentrates. Enzymes break down food: if you eat them, you just break them down. 1994 supplement act (dshea dietary supplement health and education: companies don"t have to prove something is safe. Manufacturers don"t have to tell the fda when they put out a supplement.