NSD 225 Quiz: exam 3 study guide

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Body mass index (bmi)- current standard for assessing the healthfulness of body weight. Body composition- the relative proportions of fat and lean tissue that make up the body. Subcutaneous fat- (cid:894)u(cid:374)der the ski(cid:374)(cid:895) does(cid:374)"t i(cid:374)(cid:272)rease health risk. Visceral fat- (located around organs in abdominal area) does increase health risk. Basal metabolic rate- rate of energy use at rest (and fasting) Thermic effect of food-energy used to digest food, absorb, metabolize and store nutrients. Leptin- protein made by fat cells that decreases appetite and increases energy expenditure. Ghrelin- protein made by stomach cells that enhances appetite and decreases energy expenditure. Appetite- desire to consume specific foods triggered by external cues independent of hunger. Hunger- desire to consume food that is triggered by internal physiological signals. Anaerobic- without oxygen; uses glucose; generates lactic acid. Aerobic-with oxygen; uses carbs proteins and fat; produces more atp.