[COM 107] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Com 107 - rubin - week 4 lecture. If you understand the money and who is making the money, then you will understand how the media works and why they work. We live in a media system that is by enlarge privately owned and for profit. Who owns the media: private owners with the motivation of profit. Either privately owned media or government owned media. We do have some government ownership of the media in our country. For example, there is the government printing office, which prints government pamphlets, congressional record (record of congress), etc. Mormon church is a very big media owner. They own the daily newspaper in salt lake city, they have a company called bonaville international that owns broadcast stations in utah. Catholic churchs send papers of the diosys to the homes: npr (national public radio) and pbs (public broadcasting system) -