CSD 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Treacher Collins Syndrome, Closed Head Injury, Audiology

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Late talkers: those who lag behind peers in ability to understand/produce words: are at risk for language problems! It is difficult to differentiate between children who are just slow and those who are likely to developing a disability. Delay: children perform at a level lower than they should (5 yr old with language skills similar to that of a 3- yr old) Sounds are slow to develop; weird use of sounds. Cluster reduction, velar fronting, final consonant deletion: morpho-syntactic disorders grammar! Small mlu: semantic disorders talking about it . Anomia: naming difficulty/word recall deficit: receptively knows word but has trouble recalling it, pragmatic disorders speech mannerisms . Neurological/cns damage: tbi: traumatic brain injury. Diminished/disordered perceptual information: hearing loss, autism, infection in ear. Language disorder, but is not linked to known cause (anatomical, physical, intellectual, perceptual: exhibits no deficits in hearing, oral structure/function, intelligence, perception, may be receptive or expressive or both.