CSD 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Macroglossia, Hypotonia, Etiology

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For a recessive gene to be passed on: two recessive genes must be present for the recessive gene to be passed on. For a dominant trait, you either need aa or aa. Homozygous: inherited two of the same alleles (aa or aa) Congenital: born with it; often received the recessive gene from a parent. Genetic: caused by gene mutation; things get transferred incorrectly; changes in genetic makeup; not necessarily inherited from one parent or the other. Mutated genes: something happened during the process of passing on alleles. Oral motor skills speed of processing: might take a few extra seconds to understand what is being said rapid naming. Down syndrome: enlarged tongue, learning disabilities (could affect comprehension/ expression of speech: name one specific disorder and describe its characteristics, inheritance, and how that might impact the individual who has it during their daily activities. Trisomy 21: 3 chromosomes coming from the 21 gene.