CFS 388- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Women under age 24 are at highest risk of infection 53% Herpes (viral std) (1) transmission kissing, oral/anal/vaginal sex, skin-skin contact (2) signs/symptoms itching/burning; oral/genital blisters; symptoms often come and go; simplex. 1 = cold soares (not std); simplex 2 = genital herpes (std) (3) treatment not curable; sympoms can be controlled with medications (zovirak) (4) effects if untreated miscarriage, cervical cancer. Hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) (1) transmission blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk, bodily fluids through mucus membrane or open cut, wound, injection (2) symptoms within 1st week of virus, 50-75% experienced flu symptoms; t-cell count below. 500 (3) testing measures antibodies (4) treatment if untreated, developes into aids. Clinical condition that requires: positive hiv antibody test, t cell count below 200; 1 or more. Aids indicator conditions (= infections/diseases that take advantage of a compromised immune system aka opportunistic diseases)