CFS 388 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Harvey Kellogg, Sylvester Graham, Havelock Ellis

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2 dimensions of sexuality: affective & genital sexuality. The affective dimension: romance, touch, intimacy, relationships, closeness, comfort, love: the affective dimenstion can be with close friends or family, athletes and the affective dimension of love: chest bumps, high fives, hugs. Genital dimension: one night stand, booty calls, biological/physical part of sex. You can have one dimension without the other. Great affective sexuality leads to great genital sexuality. Biological perspective the scientific way of how reproduction works focuses on the roles of genes, hormones, the nervous system, sexual arousal, orgasm (spinal reflex) How sexuality has changed over the years natural selection adapted members=more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their traits. How the world around us changes our views on sexuality perception, learning, motivation, emotion, personality, etc. affect sexual behavior & experience; freud focuses on motivational role of sex in human personality. How sexuality is viewed differently across cultures americans view sexuality differently than asians.