CFS 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Marital Power, Child Neglect, Crisis Communication

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Cfs 201 spring 2017 study guide for test 2. Ambiguous loss is a loss that occurs without closure or understanding. This kind of loss leaves a person searching for answers, and thus complicates and delays the process of grieving, and often results in unresolved grief: explain the abc-x model. What is a stressor overload: abc-x family crisis model reuben hill. Family crisis is a combination of factors and the outcomes of the event. The a factor stress can be normative development such as the birth of a child, marriage of an adult child, early death of a spouse are family specific. The b factor- refers to the resources the family has that will help meet the demands of the stressor or crisis communication, problem solving, coping strategies. The c factor the definition the family assigns to change, transition, stressor, or disruption.