ANT 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mormonism And Polygamy, Arapesh Languages, Alliance Theory

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15 May 2017

Document Summary

Family of jats farmers, with lots of land. Women have little/no rights except through men (land, security, finances) Families are economically tied, managed by eldest couple. Women cover faces when in front of elder men. Girls start school later, are expected to do work before attending school. Parents are not usually happy to have daughters. Increasingly, as men are more educated they wish to separate from extende families. Nation states = governments/territories with relatively culturally homogenous populations/histories. Natural based on shared descent, language, culture, history, territory. States use media, politics, education, law to create national identity/culture that becomes authorizes, suppressed subcultures. Ethnicity: imagined identity, based on perceived natural ties (culture, religion, language, national origin) Governments may utilize this idea of ethnicity to create victims, repress certain groups, and foster national solidarity. The nation-state and indigenous peoples indigenous peoples small scale societies designated as bands, tribes, chiefdoms that occupied their land before european contact.