C EHC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nuclear Proliferation, Economic Security, Economic Globalization

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Obama national security is a lot bigger than trump"s. Population the world population double in the last 40 years. More people alive now than ever before. 60% of the world lives in asia. Another phenomenon of the past decades has been the rapid rise in the number of international migrants. 80% of people will be living in developing countries. Low fertility countries like europe and america. Largest female population would be living in terrible condition. Geo economic, growing protectionism in the develop world. Structural shifts change on the post-1945 model of global gover, collapse of the non-proliferation. Regional instability, few experts predict that the geopolitical pic will change significantly. Widening gap between failed and failing states. 9 economic predictions for the next ten years. China will become the world"s biggest economy. Us cant afford to spend on war. Systemic financial risk, loss of liquidity, discontinuous market moves, extreme volatility, Economic globalization has transform the operational structures.