E CPY 421 Study Guide - Final Guide: Random Assignment, Cisgender, External Validity

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Remedial role: working with groups or alone to assist in remedying problems (heal) Preventive role: foreseeing difficulties that may arise (protect) Educative-developmental role: involves dealing with everyday problems in a way that leads to greater satisfaction (enhance) Scientific-practitioner model: learning how to understand and conduct scientific research and how it can be applied to work with the client. Science: an attitude and method that places importance on controlled observation, precise definitions, repeatability and replicability. Research: a subject or idea is investigated to find results that contribute to a body of scientific knowledge. Outcome research: focuses on the results of the intervention. Efficacy: the potential something has to bring about a desired effect. Effectiveness: the desired effect in a real-world circumstance. Process research: focuses on what happens during the intervention. Internal validity: the extent to which the study is drawing valid conclusions about what occurred in the specific situations and with the specific people examined. (random assignment)