PSY 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Change Blindness, David H. Hubel, Electromagnetic Spectrum

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We can only see part of the electromagnetic spectrum: 380-760 nm of wavelength. Visual stimuli are inherently ambiguous and human perception is subjective (e. g. if someone stands behind a podium, you know their body didn"t disappear). We need light to see, but our eyes can adjust in the darkness. Visual field - the extent of visual space seen by each eye. Your visual field changes when you move your eyes. Info from right visual field left hemisphere. Visual sensitivity - the ability to detect light. Visual acuity - the ability to distinguish between two nearby points in space. Primates have high visual acuity and visual resolution (when eyes focus on something). Visual transduction - the process by which visual receptors convert light energy into neural signals. Advantage of having one eye on each side of the head (e. g. rabbits) larger visual field. Advantage of having both eyes in front (e. g. monkeys) better focusing and resolution; depth perception.