PSY 250 Midterm: PSY 250 Exam 2 Review

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Exteroceptive sensory systems: visual, auditory, somatosensory, gustatory, and olfactory info processing. Motor systems - eyes, head, hand, body movement control. Higher order systems - integration of various senses, cognition, learning, and memory. Spinal cord - interface with pns; motor reflexes. Cell bodies and dendrites - dark matter. Golgi stain - can see individual neurons in silhouette. Used when the overall shape of neurons is of interest. Nissl stain - uses cresyl violet dye to estimate the number of cell bodies in an area, by counting the number of nissl-stained dots. Electron microscopy - electron micrograph captures neuronal structure in high detail. But, because images are so detailed, it can be difficult to visualize general aspects of neuronal structure. Frontal lobe - motor control and cognitive focus; anterior. *know names of cortex in each lobe, location, and general functions* Primary auditory cortex found in temporal lobe.