PSY 250 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Striatum, Pyramidal Cell, Exocytosis

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Document Summary

Neurons - cells that receive and transmit electrochemical signals. Neuroscience - the scientific study of the nervous system. Neuroplasticity - the brain is a changeable organ that continuously grows and changes in respo(cid:374)se to the i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual"s ge(cid:374)es a(cid:374)d e(cid:454)perie(cid:374)(cid:272)es. Biopsychology - the scientific study of the biology of behavior. The main difference between the brains of humans and other mammals is in the overall size and the extent of cortical development. Hebb: the organization of behavior (1949) - complex psychological phenomena such as perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and memories might be produced by brain activity. Pure research - (cid:373)oti(cid:448)ated pri(cid:373)aril(cid:455) (cid:271)(cid:455) resear(cid:272)her"s (cid:272)uriosit(cid:455). Applied research - meant to bring about a direct benefit to humankind. Central nervous system (cns) - located within the skull and spine. Peripheral nervous system (pns) - located outside the skull and spine. Somatic nervous system (sns) - interacts with external environment. Afferent nerves - carry sensory signals to cns.