PSY 240- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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Assign strangers to groups using trivial criteria (ex. Favor our ingroup even when it is based on even a trivial classi cation. Help us accomplish things we can"t accomplish as individuals. Patterns of behavior expected in certain positions or situations. Two types of rules to help groups achieve tasks: instrumental: goal-oriented, expressive: someone who derives emotional support and maintains moral and positivity in a group setting. Zimbardo (1971)- classic study of role conformity and obedience: do people act in accordance with the social roles the occupy, does violence brutality occur in prisons because of . The natural violent and evil nature of prisoners, the malicious nature of guards. Or prisoners and guards acting in accordance with their positions. Failure to take the situation into account when making judgements, expressing attitudes, or behaving. Important take-away from stanford prison study: social roles. Rules of expected behavior from group members. Strong conformity pressures to adhere to group norms.