PSY 230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Ct Scan, Thought Field Therapy

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Document Summary

Classification: categorical model: either have or don"t have. Straightforward reimbursement procedures: dimensional model: quantifiable score on various dimensions. Psychopathology scientific study of psych disorders\ Diagnosis id of presence of disorder. Onset how disorder starts: sudden/acute, insidious. Course pattern of disorder: chronic, episodic, time limited. Comorbidity occurrence of 2+ disorders in one individuals. Prevalence number of active cases in a population during given time period: expressed as percentages, point prevalence, one year prevalence, lifetime prevalence. Incidence - # new cases in population over given time period: typically lower than prevalence b/c exclude existing cases. Syndrome - constellation of symptoms occurring together or co-vary over time. Disorder cluster of sympt not accounted for by pervasive condition. Disease disorder where underlying etiology is known. Battle of good vs evil: believed to be caused by demonic possession, treatments: exorcism. Moon and stars: lunacy from mov"t of moon, astrology. Hippocrates first to consider psychopathology disease. Galen: humoral theory imbalance in 4 humors.