PSY 220- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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Development involves gains, losses, neutral changes and continuities in each phase of the lifespan. Exact years can be a bit fuzzy especially as age increases. What markers do we use to divide the lifespan: age grade: socially defined age groups within a society. How long can we expect to live: life expectancy: the average number of years a newborn can be expected to live, the average number of years a newborn can be expected to live. How our views of development have changed across history: childhood: pre 17th century, children as mini adults. 17th century onward: innocents, protect and nurture: adolescence: not a distinct phase until late 19th, early 20th centuries. Before then, just children adults: emerging adulthood: recently defined in the 2000s, middle age: recognized mid 20th century, old age: defined in 20th century. What are the main elements of the nature nurture issue: nature: natural outcome of genetic blueprint.