PSY 103 Midterm: PSY 103 Midterm #1

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Review: page 43 of pdf, 15 of textbook. Chapter 1. 2: wilhelm wundt medical doctor and sensory researcher set up first psychology lab in. Review: page 51 of pdf, 24 of textbook. Review: page 63 on pdf, 36 of textbook. 1 is a negative correlation, +1 is a positive correlation, 0 is no correlation: illusory correlation an apparent relationship based on casual observations of unrelated events, correlation does not imply causation. Informed consent participants in a study must be told what to expect and must indicate that they agree to continue. Review: page 79 in pdf, 52 in textbook. Chapter 2. 3: descriptive statistics mathematical summaries of results. Review: page 85 in pdf, 57 in textbook. Review: page 98 in pdf, 71 in textbook. Review: page 105 in pdf, 78 in textbook. Review: page 120 in pdf, 93 in textbook. Review: page 135 in pdf, 108 in textbook. Review: page 148 in pdf, 121 in textbook.