MUS 109 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tangled, Project Mkultra, The Beach Boys

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Teaching the white people how to dance or express themselves; racist rock music marketing. Calm, peaceful, love, hippy period, soft music, politics overtones. Messy/sloppy playing, make audience feel that they can play it too. Fall from purity; black wings (white rabbit to black rabbit) Parental advisory (invented in 80s, more used in 90s cd) Live drums and aoh drums (back and forth, electric) Ellington was asked whether he ever felt an affinity for the music of bach. Cannot be refer as european notion of genius. Jazz was a new language and the critic would have to respond to it with a new poetry of praise. Music criticism talk about music as object, analysis. Music journalism less concern about music analysis, gossip, lives of musicians, fandoms. Music scholarship (academics) professors, teach about music, publish academic books, archaic. Fra(cid:374)k )appa: (cid:862)most ro(cid:272)k jour(cid:374)alis(cid:373) is people (cid:449)ho (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:449)rite, i(cid:374)ter(cid:448)ie(cid:449)i(cid:374)g people (cid:449)ho (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t talk, for people (cid:449)ho (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t read(cid:863)