LIN 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sociolinguistics, Mutual Intelligibility, Linguistic System

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Document Summary

Introduction to linguistics: language is an arbitrary conventional system of sounds used for communication, modules of linguistics. Syntax - (sentence structure) study of rules that govern sentence structure. Semantics - (meaning) study of meaning of (parts of) words, phrases, sentences, and texts. Morphology - (parts of words) structure of word forms. Lexicon - (vocabulary) words people use in different situations. Phonetics - (sounds) physical production and perception of sounds of speech. Phonology - describes the way sounds function within a given language. Suprasegmental level - the speed and pitch of speech: descriptive vs. prescriptive. Pragmatics - (paragraphs, conversations) how speakers interact in conversation. Prescriptive - how people are supposed to speak: language change is inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing. Different dialects are mutually intelligible while different languages are not. They are usually associated with a specific region or social group: idiolects. uses learned. Individual variety of language that incorporates all linguistic features that a person knows and.