HAN 251 Final: HAN 251 final Study Guide

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HAN 251
Final Review
Session 7
Intro to research design and QUAL design
Grounded theory-theory that explains the process of
Ethnography- culture sharing pattern
Case study- issue
Phenomenology (lived experience) meaning of the phenomenon
Types of research questions:
Descriptive: what are, how many, how much, how frequently
Relationship: what is the relationship between
Comparative: what is the difference between
Causality: what is the effect of, how do blank differ from blank in, is blank better than
blank at/for/in
Data collection
instrument based
Emerging methods
Both open ended and
closed ended
Types of data
Numeric, measure,
document, image,
Statistics test
Text and image
analysis to develop a
understanding and
establish a meaning
Statistical and text
Design is based on paradigm, aligns with research purpose and research questions, best
approach to answer research questions
Mixed method designs:
Convergent (parallel/ concurrent)
o How: quan and qual study both have equal importance and both occur at the
same time (collect and analyze data at the same time)
o Purpose: to merge for comparison. To see where data sets agree and disagree,
how they inform each other. Look for convergence and/or divergence
o How: quan and then qual
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HAN 251
Final Review
o Purpose: how do qual results explain quan results. With your quan test you got
interesting findings so you want to go deeper and explain the why with qual
o How: qual and then quan
o Purpose: use qual results to develop variables, instruments, interventions. Quan
based on qual. Interpret how quan results provide new and better instruments
and intervention
Assessing the rigor:
Quan uses validity and reliability
Qual uses trustworthiness
Validity and reliability: (quan)
Internal validity: extent to which results of study are true
o Lab study to control variables
o Control groups- placebo
o Bias: double blind placebo control experiment
o Tools/ instruments tested for validity and reliability
o Unobtrusive measures
External validity: extent to which one can assume the results will be true for people in
different groups or similar people in different settings
real life setting
representative sample from population
o As inclusion criteria goes up, external validity goes down and internal validity
goes up
Reliability: issues related to the soundness of data collection procedures
Trustworthiness: (qual)
Credibility: confidence in the truth of the findings
o Triangulation- collecting multiple types of data at different times
o Member checking: checking with participants to see if it analysis rings true
Transferability: if findings are good fit for their situation
o Thick description: richly describing setting, participants, and findings (low
inference data [direct quotes from participants])
Dependability: if results make sense to another researcher
o Audit trial: reporting of how researcher conduct study (read and re read
(immersion), code, patterns to themes, memoing, reflective bracketing
o Percentage of agreement:
another coder(s) use coding structure and definitions and code a
randomly selected portion of the data
team of coders code the data independently and meet to discuss until
they reach agreement
Instrument reliability: consistently measures
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HAN 251
Final Review
Instrument validity: accurately measures
Fae alue: sujetie, etet to hih it looks like it easues hat its supposed to
Content validity: extent to which measurement instrument is a representative sample of
content being measured, represents entire range
Criterion validity: extent to which results of assessment instrument correlate with
another presumably related measure.
Construct validity: extent to which instrument measures a characteristic that cannot be
observed (emotions)
Interrater reliability: 2 or more evaluators using the same tool independently yield same
Test-retest reliability: same instrument yields same results on same person more than
Equivalent forms reliability: 2 versions of same instrument yield same results
Internal consistency reliability: all items with a single instrument yield a similar result
(survey asking same question in similar ways)
Local groundedness: in qual research, researchers collect proximity data to determine the flow
of the research before collecting data.
Prolonged engagement: increased credibility; researcher spending time in field, deeper
understanding, trust, important for thick description (transferability)
o Leads to persistent observation
o Prolonged engagement provides scope, persistent observation provides depth
Data collection:
o Focus groups are also used in both quan (surveys) and qual (interviews)
written descriptions,
o nonreactive: observer is removed from participants
o participant: observer is a member of the group
data analysis:
human is instrument
o must be aware of their own values, preconceptions, and beliefs and keep them
o keeps ongoing notes/reflection on ideas, insights, feelings, etc.
file dnotes, reflective bracketing, diaries, memoing, etc.
includes rich details, deep emersion prior to analysis, categorization, interpretation/
identification of patterns, finding new meaning (synthesis and generalizations drawn)
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Document Summary

Qual: grounded theory-theory that explains the process of, ethnography- culture sharing pattern, case study- issue, phenomenology (lived experience) meaning of the phenomenon. Text and image analysis to develop a deeper understanding and establish a meaning. Design is based on paradigm, aligns with research purpose and research questions, best approach to answer research questions. Mixed method designs: convergent (parallel/ concurrent, how: quan and qual study both have equal importance and both occur at the same time (collect and analyze data at the same time, purpose: to merge for comparison. To see where data sets agree and disagree, how they inform each other. Look for convergence and/or divergence: explanatory, how: quan and then qual. 2: purpose: how do qual results explain quan results. With your quan test you got interesting findings so you want to go deeper and explain the why with qual: exploratory, how: qual and then quan, purpose: use qual results to develop variables, instruments, interventions.