EGL 191 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tetrameter, Porphyria, Anthropomorphism

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Document Summary

3 sections: term matching (20 pts), sonnet form (short answers), identification (70 pts) Tone- attitude the speaker has to the subject. Speaker- person who is doing talking in poem. Enjambment- sentence that moves through more than one line. Meter- rhythm of poem; pattern stress and unstressed. Petrarchan/ italian: 14 lines, octave (problem) and sestet (solution), rhyme scheme (octave- abbaabba; sestet- flexible), volta at line 9. Identification (5 out of 7- can do one more for extra credit) Title, author, significance (what is happening in stanza specifically and then connect to poem as whole) Themes- isolation, aging, identity (how it is viewed through age- physical beauty), lack of mirror"s own identity (falls in love with wall opposite it- fills void by taking identity of what is across it) Plot- mirror staring at wall opposite it; girl keeps staring at lake, looking at reflection and is upset about it because she keeps aging.