ANP 410 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Deltoid Tuberosity, Phalanx Bone, Radial Tuberosity

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Study online at quizlet. com/_4e3hba: 1st metacarpal, ascending ramus, 5 types of vertebrae: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and, atlas: c1, no body, ring of bone, large vertebral foramen, postsacral, acetabulum: prezygopophyses, axis, acromion: C2, odontoid process: basicranium: cranial base, basins: low concave surface of occlusal surface, biceps brachii: o: scapula. A: flexes forearm: buccal: away from tongue, anterior dentition: incisors and canines, calcaneus, clavicular notch, canines, coccyx, capitulum, coronoid process, crests: shearing surfaces, cervical vertebrae: slanted zygopophyses (between coronal and transverse plane) Spinous process with biforcations: cuboid, femoral condyles, cusps: high surfaces on teeth, deltoid: o: wraps upper arm. A: abduction: deltoid tuberosity, flexor carpi ulnaris: o: medial epicondyle of humerus. A: flexes and adducts wrist: flexor digitorum profundus: o: proximal 3/4 of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna. A: flexes distal interphalangeal joints, then secondarily flexes proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints and wrist: flexor digitorum superficialis: o: medial epicondyle.