ANP 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: K–Ar Dating, Radiocarbon Dating, Biostratigraphy

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Rapid series of multiple cladogenic events, often follows colonization of a new land mass: catastrophism the theory that changes in the earth"s crust, charles. Darwin during geological history have resulted chiefly from sudden violent and unusual events. Cuvier, earth is old: cladogenesis, analogous structures, aristotle independently evolved, species have no close common ancestor. Great chain of being, ladder of nature is organized from simple to complex: binomial. How we classify animals (linnaeus) classification: biological species concept. Species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups: biostratigraphy association w. guide or indicator fossils, species must be widespread and long lived, dating techniques, differences between. Random changes in gene freq w/in a pop. How closely related two species are, helps us reconstruct evolutionary relationships and tells us about the timings of events. Study of solid earth and how it changes over time.