[CMST 192] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 40 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Communication is most what humans do, it is the foundation of all disciplines . Two general reasons to study communication: 1) the social, personal and workplace benefits of communicating competently 2) the need to improve our communication w/others. Humans are the social animals; our brains are wired to be social. Communication is the means by which we establish social connection and build relationships. The vital importance if social connection is perhaps even more obvious when you feel the sting of social rejection; negative memories that are emotional tend to last more than physical pain. Communication skills are critical to landing a job, performing effectively and receiving promotions in the workplace. We only benefit from communication when we believe improvement is needed. A myth is a belief that is contradicted by fact. Communication myths can disrupt your ability to improve your communication knowledge and skills. Common misconceptions can interfere with your understanding of what communication is.