BIOL 202- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Ca+ release ca+ into cytosol: cross bridge cycling, 1. Cross bridge formation: myosin attach to actin: 2. Power (working stroke): adp and p are released- myosin pivot and bend; actin toward m line: 3. Cross bridge detachment: after atp attach to myosin- link between m and a weak; myosin detach: 4. Cocking of the myosin head: myosin returns to pre-stroke high- energy. Integrating and control center; interprets sensory input & dictates motor output based on reflexes, current conditions, and past experience: peripheral nervous system (pns): portion of the nervous system outside of. Somatic sensory fibers: convey impulses from the skin, skeletal muscles, and joints. Motor, efferent, division: transmits impulses from the visceral organs impulses from cns to effector organs- muscles and glands; activate muscles to contract and glands to secrete; effect a motor response. Mopping up leaked k+ ions and recapturing & recycling released neurotransmitters: respond to nerve impulses and neurotransmitters.