ANTH 101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Processual Archaeology, Oldowan, Mousterian

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Anthropologists explore human societies, cultures, and physical diversity across time and space. Defined as the study of human nature, society, and past. Anthropology is concerned with complex patterns . Holistic and comparative and field based and evolutionary. Holism is how anthropology tries to integrate all that is and can be known about humans. An evolutionary perspective is at the core of an anthropological understanding of and their activities. humans as biological and cultural beings. members of society. Biological evolution documents change over time in the physical features. Cultural evolution concerns change over time in the beliefs behaviors. Culture consists of beliefs, traditions, customs, and ideas that humans learn as. Humans adapt to and transform the world around them using culture. All humans share the same biological capacity for culture. The human ability to use culture rests in our biological heritage. Some anthropologist emphasize that humans are biocultural organisms. North american anthropology is traditionally divided into.