PSYC 3360 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Comparison Theory, Bulimia Nervosa, Biopsychosocial Model

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Document Summary

Exercise and physical activity (1) know the benefits of regular exercise and its determinants. (a) benefits of regular exercise. Reduces risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Decreases resting heart rate and blood pressure. Decreases the risk of several chronic disorders. Promotes the growth of new neurons in the brain. Promotes cognitive functioning (b) determinants of regular exercise. Childhood - not meeting the recommended 60 min. of exercise a day. Adulthood - reporting lack of time, stress, interference with regular activities, and fatigue as barriers to regular exercise. Coming from a family where exercise is practiced. Having conventional and easily accessible exercise settings also promote exercise. The best predictor of regular exercise is regular. Affect (i. e. mood, emotion) is receiving increased attention conceptual models of physical activity motivation. Core affective valence (i. e. good or bad feelings) in response to physical activity has been posited as an important determinant of future physical activity behavior.