BUS4 092 Study Guide - Final Guide: Boolean Expression, Ampersand, Verb

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Document Summary

1 the __ control is used to gather input the user has typed at the keyboard. 2 variables declared within a button"s click event are __ variables local. 3 the __ operator performs string concentration ampersand (&) 5 the order in which controls receive the focus is called the __ tab order. 6 to convert a copy of a string to all uppercase letters, use the __ method of the. 10 if the boolean expression a is true and b is fales, the value of the logical expression a or b is __ The items. insert method should be used instead of items. 16the inputbox function always returns a __ value. For intx = 1 to 100 step 5. It causes intx to be incremented by 5 each time the loop repeats. 18 to get the number of items stored in a listbox, use the __ property items. count. 19the first item in a listbox has an index of __