MATH 142 Final: MATH142 South Carolina 16sFinalSolution

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Instructions: this exam comes in two parts. (1) hand in part. Hand in only this part. (2) statement of multiple choice problems. Unauthorized materials include: books, electronic devices, and personal notes. This means no electronic devices (such as cell phones) allowed in your pockets. At a students request, i will project my watch upon the projector screen. hand. When you nish: put your pencil down and raise your hand: during this exam, do not leave your seat unless you have permission. If you have a question, raise your: this exam covers (from calculus by thomas, 13th ed. , et): 8. 1 8. 5, 8. 7 8. 8, 10. 1 10. 10, 11. 1 11. 5 . I understand that it is the responsibility of every member of the carolina community to uphold and maintain the university of south carolina"s honor code. As a carolinian, i certify that i have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this exam.