STAT 201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pie Chart, Categorical Variable, Confounding

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Sample: set of subjects we have data for. Descriptive statistics: identify patters or trends vs. inferential statistics: make estimates or predictions. Experimental study: researcher assigns groups and intentionally affects their explanatory variables vs. observational study: measures response variables without influencing response. Block design: blocking: grouping together similar experimental units and randomly assigning the subject with in each group treatment. Sampling bias: sampling technique favored one part of the population over the other; Undercoverage: frame isn"t representative of population; sampling frame: list of all units in the population; nonresponse bias: some sampled subjects fail to answer all questions; response. Bias: answers on a survey do not reflect the true feeling of respondent. Simple random sample: sample chosen in a way that every subject is equally likely to be selected; judgement sample: a sample that an expert thinks is representative; convenience. Sample: a sample easy accessible; volunteer sample: subject chooses to participate; systematic.