WMNST 325 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Caster Semenya, Prenatal Development

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Biological sex differentiation(pg. 127): how sex is formed during prenatal development. How sex is formed during prenatal development; sex chromosomes (x/y:female/male) Androgens: steroid hormones in males that develop a typical male body. 129): intersexuality: a collective term for a number of specific variation on the theme of biological sex; references developments that are not clearly female or male; people with any of these variations are usually referred to as intersected. Components of biological sex aren"t completely apparent; number of specific variations on the theme of bio sex. Klinefelter"s syndrome pg 130:xxy; men have less masculine physique and appearance; learning disabilities, 1/3000 births; look like normal females externally; short; cognitive deficits; infertile; need extra estrogen hormones. Cais (pg. 131): complete androgen insensitivity syndrome; when a woman"s genetic composition was xy but her body was completely unable to produce androgens. Examples: 1988 hurdler maria patino from spain; caster semenya of south africa,