PSY 230 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stim, Blastocyst, Babbling

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28 Oct 2020

Document Summary

The 3 basic research designs for scientific experiments: observation (usually find correlation, experiments (prove cause and effect, surveys. Harlow"s evidence that led him to believe that psychoanalytic and learning theories of attachment were wrong. Did not account for class, gender, or culture. Cross-sectional: quick and easier way to study development over time (takes people of different ages but with little variance in other areas and compares them) Longitudinal study: study if age itself not cohort causes development change (follows same individuals over time) Cross-sectional suggests something is happening but longitudinal can prove it. Know the order of freud"s stages of development. Operant conditioning: reinforcement and punishment (skinners box) Don"t memorize, but be able to recognize, piaget"s periods of cognitive development. Concrete operational: 6-11 [conservation] they apply logic and. Thinks children should make mistakes and learn for themselves. Examples of the evolutionary approach to studying human development (textbook p. 27 - 28) Consider what humans needed thousands of years ago (fear)