PSY 230- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

1. 1 who we are and what we study. Developmental scientists - researchers who study the lifespan. Lifespan development - scientific study of human growth through life. Child development - study of childhood and the teenage years: stanley hall established the first institute in the u. s. devoted to research on the child. Draws on different field like neuroscience, nursing psychology, and social policy to understand human development. Lifespan development explores the predictable milestones on our human journey. Lifespan development focuses on the individual differences that give spice to human life. Developmentalists want to understand what causes the striking differences between people in temperament, talents, and traits. Interested in exploring individual differences in the timing of developmental milestones. Lifespan development explores the impact of life transitions and practices. Deals with normative (predictable) transitions and non-normative (atypical) transitions. Baby boom cohort - people born from 1946 to 1964. Wwii soldiers came back from war and had a family of almost four children.