[PSY 211] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (54 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

The nature of science: paradigms: a way of thinking about a problem set of assumptions, model, typical example. Which develops : theories: systematic explanation of natural phenomena that proposes cause and effect relationships in nature need to be tested. Which develops : hypotheses: guesses about the cause and effect relationships that derive from theories/ observation testable by observation. Which may cause : laws and principles: cause and effect relationships supported by much evidence from testing. Survive the test of time, and repeatedly demonstrated. Almost always universally true: deductive from inductive reasoning. Iv: manipulated or selected condition (antecedent condition or causal variable) Dv: responses that change as a result of the iv (consequent condition or effect variable) Extraneous: unwanted variables not always easy to remove them: measurement and operational de nitions. Measurement: assigning a number to an observation to see patterns in connection to nature. Operational de nitions: de ne an event in terms of the operations required to measure it.