PHIL 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Categorical Imperative, Henry Fonda, Guppy

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16 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Phil 101 exam 3 study guide (50 multiple choice questions) A: nozick built his ideas coming from locke and kant. He believed in self-ownership and the right to our own body meaning that we own our labour. A: nozick agrees with kant that we should always treat people as an end and never merely as a means. We need to respect individual rights because we are rational human beings with human dignity. A: human beings have individual rights that should be respected. Slavery is morally wrong because you are using another human being as an end. A: taxing citizens is a form of slavery because the government is taking away the fruits of our labor. People should be able to keep what"s theirs. However, they should be allowed to protect citizens from force (rape, fraud, theft) and play as administrators in courts of law. A: entitlement theory: people are entitled to their earnings no matter how much 32185 they have.