OCEAN 320 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scientific Notation, Persistent Organic Pollutant, Hadal Zone

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29 May 2018
Oceans320 Study Guide
Unit 1:
Is it science? Astrology? Dowsing? Luck? Ghosts? Sixth Sense?
A: Pseudoscience aims to find a natural explanation for all phenomena; so if there is no
natural explanation for the explanations of the above concepts, then no, they are not science.
Is it possible to have a theory without observational or inferential evidence, in the form of data?
A: Science itself looks for a balance between theory and data, but you NEED (at least)
observational evidence to form a theory.
What is a requirement of a hypothesis?
A: Hypotheses must have predictive power; must be able to include observations that
were not used to create the theory as well as those that were used
Name a principle upon which all scientists agree?
A: All scientists agree on using logical reasoning to connect evidence and assumptions
with conclusions
Science seeks_____________________explanations.
A: natural
Science is often about explaining patterns, can you think of one?
A: Weather patterns can be explained by the wind currents and humidity levels in any
given region.
What is scientific bias? and how can bias be avoided?
A: Bias is when I scientist places weight on certain evidence over other, on how s/he
obtains said evidence, and what evidence is used. Bias can be avoided by having many other
researchers look at work to evaluate if a theory is being reached with all possible data
A _____________is a larger set of ideas and structures created to explain available evidence.
A: System
Is there a place for imagination and creativity in science?
A: Yes! Scientists must be creative and imaginative to explore and discover logical
explanations for natural phenomena
Some science observations are "qualitative" as opposed to quantitative, what does this mean?
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