MUSIC 151 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sock Hop, Overdubbing, David Crosby

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Document Summary

Until the arrival of rock, the music business was dominated by the publishing houses of tin pan. Alley, major record labels, hollywood movie studios, and by the fifties, the fledgling medium of television. The product of these entities delivered was aimed at the conservative cultural values and tastes of the white, middle-aged, middle-class urbanite. This led to the predominance of music that was predictable, complacent, and polite; seeking to adhere to reliable stylistic formulas without giving offense. This changed with the emergence of rock and roll. With the arrival of rock and roll, the pop music industry experienced unprecedented infiltration by blacks and young whites performing black material. At first, industry leaders fought the threat against their comfortable formula of music making and marketing, but eventually they accepted the new trend. Rock and roll threatened the music industry on several levels, but the industry devised an effective counterattack for each threat.