ENS 304 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sarcomere, Internal Resistance, Muscle Hypertrophy

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Discuss the differences between concentric and eccentric contractions and the roles each serve in muscle action. Muscle force > resistance = sarcomere shortening. Greater force at slower speeds - time needed for motor recruitment. Muscle also needs to overcome internal resistance of non-contractile proteins being moved. More force is needed than actual external resistance. Resistance > muscle force = sarcomere lengthening. Muscle relies on non-contractile components to resist elongation, this less contractile force is needed. Eccentric contractions generate 20-40% more force versus concentric contractions. Explain the structural and functional consequences of muscle immobilization upon the neuromuscular systems (i. e. , neural and muscle changes that occur when muscles become shortened or lengthened) Muscles quickly shorten (e. g. , 2-4 weeks in passively, shortened positions) which is known as adaptive shortening. Biological adaptations - loss of sarcomere number (in series) Idea is that the body part becomes stronger in this new position because the body assumes it will become the new normal.