ENS 303 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Myocyte, Risorius, Masseter Muscle

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Properties of muscle tissue (from extension flexion) Contractibility: able to develop tension when stimulated. Extensibility: ability to stretch without being damaged. Excursion: the degree that a muscle can change length; can shorten or lengthen by resting length. Elasticity: ability to return to original length after being stretched. Normal resting length: length when not stimulated and no forces are acting on the muscles. Changes with posture, exercise, health, and age. Fascial network forms the body"s frame the harness". Leverage for movement is provided by bones the lever system. Joints and articulations allow for the movement to occur. Skeletal: involuntary and voluntary, move the bones. Structure composed of two or more tissues, each with a specific function. Muscle fibers (cells) are covered by fascia. The wrapping" of fascia around the muscle fibers supports and organizes fibers to facilitate movement. Without fascia, the muscle could not move. Not all muscles connect to bone (example: risorius) Contracts to produce movement and maintain posture.