COMM 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nonverbal Communication, Fundamental Attribution Error, Linguistics

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22 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Comm 103 final study guide: understand perception and its three steps. Chapter 3: perception: impressions and evaluations -- active process, selection: what we choose to attention to -- unusual, intense, repetitive, organization: how we classify information c. i. Interpretation: assigning meaning to the information that we have selected and organized. Constructs: physical, role, interaction, and psychological d: understand the influences on perception, cultures a. i. a. ii. Individualistic: believe their responsibilities is to themselves -- communication is assertive and competitive. Collectivist: believe their responsibility is to others -- communication is cooperative: stereotypes b. i. Process: identify a group for someone, recall a generalization about group, apply generalization: primary & recent effect c. i. c. ii. Primary: first impression of someone overshadows our later impressions. Recency: more recent impressions of someone over shadows earlier impressions: perceptual sets d. i. Predisposition to perceive only what we want or expect to perceive: understand how we explain our perceptions to others, understand attribution a. i. a. ii.