SOCI 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Sociological Imagination, Sociocultural Evolution, Microsociology

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10 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Nolan and lenski macrosociology microsociology society sociology symbols signals environment ecological-evolutionary theory. Why is culture referred to as a new mode of adaptation and a new kind of heritage? . Chapter 2 population culture technology ideology beliefs values norms material products social organization social roles stratification institutional systems world system of societies socialization. Explain why it is that changes in subsistence technology are the most important kinds of extinction intersocietal selection sociocultural evolution selective advantage changes, according to the authors. What are some of the most important trends in the world system of societies over the past. 1000 years? (see discussion on the great paradox ) Pay special attention to the passage discussed in class which begins, the sociological imagination enables its possessor. Be ready to give an example illustrating how a person"s behavior, character, and opportunities are shaped by their social context.