01:920:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Plate Tectonics, The Sociological Imagination, Symbolic Interactionism

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We have collectively agreed upon rules and social norms like stopping at lights, walking on sidewalks/right side of the road. Collectiveness shapes how we think part of becoming a member of society. Large scale patterns can help you (the individual) figure out your own troubles. Troubles- personal and don"t necessarily have implications for society. Ex. if just one person is poor you would think what is this person doing wrong, but if there are 40+ million americans in poverty, you know there is a bigger issue. Ex. males make more than females why is this? look at patterns: men are more likely to be administrators than women, who are more likely to be teachers. Primary groups - face to face interactions governed by informal rules so they are not written down. Large scale orgs - beurocracies organized to limit face to face interactions and are governed by formal/written rules there are fixed procedure.